Deep Tech Minimal

Interview: Paso Doble

Hey Paso, how are you, what’s good?

All is doing great!! We are heading towards the end of the nightmarish covid.

How did you first get into dance music – clubs, radio, friends, all of them or maybe none?

The first sign was in 2006 after attending a Louis Vega set in NYC. It was a revelation for me because since that day, everything became clear in my head. Music was the thing that was meant for me in this wide world.

What are some of the key bits of music making gear in your current set up?

Jupiter-8 and for plugins Fabfilter & the Soundtoys bundle

Where is your best environment as a dj? a small dark club or a huge outdoor festival stage? late at night for the weirdos or early so you can play slow and eclectic etc?

I’d say without hesitation festivals. Nothing brings people together like festivals do.

Tell us about your tunes for the first genetic release – what inspired or influenced it, where and when and who was it written for?

Working on “when you’re back” was smooth. Fabio Aurea and I shared the same musical vision and influences. Coco fed it all with her beautiful voice. I made the first version, Fabio made a second one and after several listenings, we mixed the two versions for an optimal result. The goal was to have a piece with depth, whether with the music or with the lyrics. We are very satisfied with the result and had a lot of good feedback.

Where does the impulse to create something come from for you? What role do sources of inspiration like dreams, other forms of art, personal relationships, politics etc play?

It is mainly my daily life and my experiences. Each piece speaks about a moment in my life or about a positive or negative experience that I lived or that I’m living at the moment. This remains my main source of inspiration.

What last made you happy and why?

My last set at the SXM Festival. Reuniting with everyone after two years off made me happy!

What makes you unhappy and how do you get over it?

From the moment I decided to focus on my career, nothing made me unhappy anymore. if so, I get over it quickly because in the end, being unhappy is just a waste of time!

What else have you got in the works?

The covid period has helped me a lot to finalize my pending projects. usually, it is very difficult to find time to manage everything. I had time to finalize a lot of remixes and personal projects, and that allowed me to organize my releases. I have outings every month until December, something I had never been able to do before.